Module 3 – WIND


Welcome to Air!

Air is our third element to cultivate intuition
and finding center in the chaos.

MODULE 3    



  • Growing
  • Letting Go
  • Chakra light cleansing & awakening
  • Receiving Messages
  • Recode your self-talk

We might compare the entrance of man into another world with the passing of a fish from the water into the air; the fish has first to be prepared for this by changing its air bladders into lungs. This resembles the transition from sense perception to spiritual perception, whereby a man’s soul is made capable of employing certain forces in a different element. Many things are then revealed to him.  

– Rudolf Steiner


By working with the elements inside of us we can alter the vibration of each element, aligning it to the vibration of the larger universe outside of ourselves.

For example, the air rules the mind.  If you overthink things or have a hard time making decisions, you may have an imbalance in Air.  The wind, if you notice, is decisive.  It changes directions quickly.  It makes decisions.  We are in an intellectual age dominated by technology and the Air element.  

The air speaks a great deal and is intricately part of my intuition.

As practice for cultivating your intuition, I invite you to begin listening to the wind, if you don’t already.  Pay attention to your clear thinking, and then notice if there is any movement with the wind.

When I was thirty I ran across the North American continent with the native Peace and Dignity Journeys.  Besides running many miles in a day from tribe to tribe, I was privileged to work with a Medicine Man named Phil, or Big Phil.  Phil did the actual healings and I worked as his conduit.  I helped him channel energy out of his patients.  Notably, when I worked with him other runners mentioned that the wind always picked up.  This was my first indication of the ability of the wind to communicate with us when we open our channels. 

Opening one’s channels can be easy.  Many of you probably already do it in your work, or while taking care of others, in your intimate relationships or while enjoying yourself in nature.  This course will help you open your channels further.  It is a divine process.  You’ll know when you’re doing it because there will be a lightness inside your stomach or chest.  The lightness might go all the way up through your throat, third eye and crown chakras. 

What is more challenging is engaging your lower chakras and creating boundaries once you are channeling.

This is the great lesson of the wind.  The wind cannot be contained.  Seemingly boundless, air can travel anywhere.  This is part of it’s healing qualities, it’s lightness and ability to identify or contain whatever it is surrounding. 

Boundaries are important.  We need them in order to have compassion for ourselves and for others.  We have to guide our intent to achieve our goals and guide our lives.  We can’t do any of those things without boundaries.  

To work with the air element in your own internal universe, and then in the universe at large, we must understand how the wind and air work within our bodies.