Godess Shamanic Creative Practice

Connect to your whole self
by listening to your body
and earth consciousness

Listening to the outside world about who you are, what your purpose is, or how to see the world can create a rift inside of us.  You might have thought the rift is you!

You can ground and connect deep inside, balancing and lifting yourself out of stagnation, and find your own path to abundance and purpose.

Follow your shared intuition with the earth, find your path to a fulfilling life.  Create divine sustainability with the elements.  You are more connected than you know.

Welcome to Intuitive Earth!

See your connected self, feel your intuition and see a new perspective & purpose
A Self Paced Course to Intuitive Earth
Reconnecting to your intuition, the earth, your subconscious and your spirit

We are not just tourists on this planet,

we are a part of it.  We are more connected than we realize.  Intuition has everything to do with our subconscious and the earth.  It’s not just trying to find an answer to the unknown, it’s about finding a connection to divinity in oneself.  Harboring the intuitive skill is one of the greatest acts of self and divine love I know.  As we raise our vibration higher, communing with this divine energy in ourselves, we naturally have more compassion, caring and love for the lives of others.

I say Intuitive Earth is artistic because one must be focused, creative, disciplined and have an inner flexibility to accept the unexpected. The best part, aside from coming deeply into abundant earth energy, is emotionally you feel more in control of your life. 

Intuition is a shift in perception.  It is a practice. We are not used to perceiving the world beyond our five senses.

Opening your feelers and perception creates space in your central nervous system.

This space is key for intuition to grow. Our minds open up and incredible connections take place.  Intuitive Earth Perception is guided.  I teach you tips and tricks for remaining focused and engaged.   We breathe and relax, listening to our soul selves.  Our conscious mind connects to our subconscious earth energy. We humans connect most easily to the earth through our root and sacral chakras (I made a youtube video about it). Our ancestral chakra(the coccyx in the Toltec system), root chakra which holds our powerful sexual energy, and sacral chakra which helps us move out of survival and into abundance–all three energy centers click quite easily into the earth.
I am convinced we were designed this way.

You’re not segmented,

you’re realizing you have another perspective waiting. Feeling fragmented is a sign that there is more here for you. A new path emerges when we reconnect intuitively with the earth. Having these feelings means you are ready to reclaim all parts of yourself. Wholeness creates stability, sovereignty and congruence.
The Positive:  you can connect anytime you want. Begin at the center of how you feel. What is your heart really telling you? If the fractal is the sacred geometry of the universe, and our feelings spiral out from our heart, your path is probably not a straight line. If you want to pause, regroup and ground to find out what your next steps are. You are in the right place.

Self Paced, on your time

You’ll receive:

  • Immediate access to all videos and 8 years of resources
  • Four recorded guided energy and breathwork exercises to help you relax & connect
  • Four modules covering the Elements, each organized to address your blooming
  • Rituals based on the elements from a 26,000 year old lineage
  • Integrate and balance all four elements in your body & habits
  • Intuitive tools, tricks for focus, and tips on how to stay grounded

Designed to get you Whole, we are one earth.

Intuitive Earth perception is a game changer for women.

Love, sexual energy, money, confidence will all flip and begin to make more sense.

Benefits of the Intuitive Earth practice are:

  • Prosperity.  Creation wants us abundant and happy.  Our intuition shows us the earth has our back. 
  • Manifesting.  Using our physical body and mental focus to tap in and perceive from an intuitive earth-centric identity makes up manifesting generators.
  • Peace.  Feeling more whole, calm and stable.  Intuition is accepting we don’t have to know everything, and in fact that is pure folly.
  • Winning.  Transmuting your powerful sexual energy to rocket ship into confidence.  Less comparison, more sovereignty.
  • Environment and self-care.  Understanding we are the earth, we will begin to know, almost as a command, that we will begin to care for the planet, as we care for ourselves.

I developed this course to share what I’ve learned to become the intuitive process in an easy and digestible way.  I’ve been an intuitive and a lucid dreamer since childhood, yet honing my intuition was a process.

This course is practical.  The recordings I made for you are to cultivate your inner silence.  Journaling is to ground what comes in.  Rituals are for working with the elements to help you feel more connected.  Finally, you’ll work with your chakras, specifically your heart, to cultivate surrender and acceptance.

Your intuition is sacred knowledge, inside and all around you, as real as the earth below.  The best outcome of cultivating your intuition is that it creates joy.  Of course you’ll still experience the gamut of human emotion, including all the shame and fear that initially pulled you away from your intuitive self, but more joy, love and light will blossom as you move along the spiral.  Your heart is the center of your journey, it is the key to the entire universe inside of you.

Module Overview



Open to:

  • Manifestation
  • Subconscious
  • Grounding
  • Intuition
  • Parts Integration
  • Perception of the Womb

MODULE 2       



  • Deep Breathing
  • Journaling
  • Releasing & Healing
  • Meditation
  • Transform and Reframe

MODULE 3    



  • Growing
  • Letting Go
  • Chakra light cleansing & awakening
  • Receiving Messages
  • Recode your self-talk




  • Quantum healing
  • The Blood
  • Moon
  • Process & Divinity
  • Healing your emotions and relationships
  • Dreaming

A new path, Metahuman Intuitive Earth Perception

Did Someone Say, PROSPERITY?