Revitalization of the Pelvic Floor
Have you ever made a contract with your core?
So many life events happen to affect our pelvic floor and abdominal core. It’s not just pregnancy, miscarriage or abortions which impact the muscles, fascia and bones that make up our pelvic floor. It’s also the amount of time we spend sitting, standing or walking. The way that we hold ourselves upright against gravity everyday. Finally, it’s just time. Over time our pelvic floor become weaker. Back, neck and knee pain can all be signs that we need to revitalize and strengthen our pelvic floor.
The affects are not just physical. From an energetic point of view we leak energy trying to hold ourselves upright. This can lead to psychological issues. Overthinking, having poor boundaries and feeling generally imbalanced. The rewards are many, not least of all living a life in a pain-free body.

To revitalize and heal the pelvic floor we need to move and exercise differently. We need to be aware of a part of the body we generally ignore. This takes mindfulness to the tenth degree, patience and most of all a fastidious self care. The good news is the results are quick.
You’ll get used to feeling activation where you once felt a void. If a weak pelvic floor has been something you’ve been dealing with for years, you’ll be motivated by the contrast of living without your lower back, neck, knee or sciatic pain.
The pelvis is deep inside of us as are the muscles and fascia which support it. We use yoga, isometrics and long held stretches to release and adjust the piriformis and the “deep 6” muscles of the pelvic floor. We elongate the tensor fasciae latae (TFL) and illiotibial (IT) band. Finally bringing awareness to our psoas, internal and external obliques and transverse abdominis and quadratus lumborum.
Past Life Regression therapy helps us heal past blockages so that we are more free today.
Michele Guzy, C.Ht.

Historically, past life experiences were critical to shamans in ancient Mexico and initiates in ancient Egypt to go beyond time and find our full potential as human beings.
Huitzilopochtli, Aztec god representing patterns and process, hummingbirds and the direction of the South.
Feel the power of conjoining all your energy blueprints from all quantum realms into your present self.
Discovering your past selves may be the key to you living out your full potential and purpose in this life.
The Toltec technique is called Conscious Dying, but it’s not the death of the body. It is an awakening to awareness in oneself. What mysteries lie before us if we went beyond death?