Confident Water

Becoming More Confident Using the Water in Four Weeks
From Insecurity to Authenntic Integration It's Not Just About Confidence, It's A Centering Experience

Have you ever experienced so much mental and physical strain daily activities create discomfort?

One in five adults have, according to public health researchers.
Are you obsessed with not having enough time?
Have you ever wondered about what it would be like to have vitality and ease in your whole body?


We use Structural Integration as a method for relieving pain in the body. Pulling up our fascia along the Deep Front line.

We use massage balls for deep myofascial release. We practice guided meditation and breathwork everyday. In three simple standing poses we create body memory for fascia organization and better posture.

Combining techniques allows us to quickly adjust our mental outlook, body posture and breathing. We bring awareness to our fascia, muscles, bones and nervous system in order to revitalize our pelvic floor and strengthen our abdomen. 

As the daily practice progresses, we begin to operate at higher and higher frequencies. Incredibly, daily practice changes our experience with time.

We begin by Relieving Discomfort

Repetitive movements while standing, sitting or on the computer creates imbalances in the body. Over time those imbalances in body movement turn into discomfort and pain. Pain creates irritability. Input from the world can seem like chaos. We become distracted by all the people and things desiring our attention. 

Before breathwork we relieve pain using balls and Yin Yoga postures. In breathwork we slow down our heartrate. We reframe and create new patterns in our thinking. With this new openness we become more confident about our own intuitive voice.

We feel more in control, more open, less irritable and ready to conquer our day. Emotional stability is the name of the game. We begin to feel our center. From this sovereign place that only needs a few minutes of day to be nurtured, we move into the world.

We strengthen our abdomen and revitalize our pelvic floor (both genders) in still isometric standing yoga poses. Working with our fascia (connective tissue around our organs, joints, tendons, muscles and nerves)we bring fluids back to the body. We align our vital organs inside our Transversus Abdominis.

We go over how to move and breathe safely.
We address fears around not having enough time, the main inhibitor to daily practice.
We create positive body memory between anatomy and self-talk.
fascia cranio sacral

We talk about different modalities

you may have used like yoga, massage, structural integration, meditation and breathwork. Calming the central nervous system and releasing tension along the spine. Organizing fascia around joints, key nerves and large muscles.

You learn an ancient Toltec self-hypnosis technique. As as well as shamanic coaching practices to deal with Petty Tyrants so that you may take flight.  It is a highly transgressive and transformative process. It includes journaling after every practice and a slow isometric movement pattern called Magical Passes. The Passes are Magical because they seem to come alive as we practice. I will teach you the Seer’s Search as taught by me from Carlos Castaneda’s students, Renata Murez.

Deepening your connection to self.  Finding peace.

Discovering that you may have agency in how to move your body may be the key to you living out your full potential. 

4 Modules In 28 Days

Take a peek inside The Practice
yoga, yogi, men-2252899.jpg

Yin Yoga

elongate and organize fascia

lungs, organ, anatomy-154282.jpg

Toltec Breathwork

teomania, deep relaxation and thought repatterning

composition, fountain pen, hands-1837242.jpg

Magical Passes and Journaling

overcoming petty tyrants

Starting Over

finding joy through daily practice

This is a fully guided course which includes Toltec lucid dreaming breathwork, releasing Petty Tyrants, muscle strengthening, fascia organization and guided shamanic meditation.

I’m a certified Coach and Yoga Teacher with years of experience guiding people through meditation, breathwork, joint restoration and physical asana practice.

Let’s take flight!